Our Story
Our vision for RLH is simple: provide the best canvas we can, and allow mother nature to curate the art.
Our wines are sourced from two family-owned estate vineyards in the Sta. Rita Hills appellation: Rancho Las Hermanas and Rancho Santa Rosa. The vineyards—much like the region itself—is a study in contrasts. The lively banter between Central Coast sunshine, cool Pacific breezes, and a collage of ancient marine soils creates distinct micro-terroirs, even within the different elevations and aspects of our estate.
The diversity of this unique enclave attracts a community of winemakers—and wine drinkers—who value the character of the varietal and seek out the nuances in its expression. To take a minimalist approach to winemaking, you must be intentional in every decision. We map soils and topography down to the smallest increment, tailor our techniques to each clone, and take obsessive care at every step. We feel honored to steward and explore this special place, and with every vintage, we seek to translate our pride, our humility, and our Sta. Rita Hills story into the wine we make.
Our Wines
Our wines are intentionally fresh, elegant, and dynamic. Leading with pure, ripe fruit flavors, they balance the rich, elemental mineral character of our vineyard sites.
The Sta. Rita Hills is not a place of pretension or pretense. In the grand scheme of global grape-growing regions, it is a young one—still the wild, wild west. But it harbors the elemental ingredients for producing stunningly pure and energetic wines.
Our wines are sourced from two family-owned estate vineyards in the Sta. Rita Hills appellation: Rancho Las Hermanas and Rancho Santa Rosa.